Why Taking Time Off Helps Grow Your Business

Have you ever felt uninspired, unmotivated and just down right tired of doing what you’re doing? Have you ever felt guilty because you are doing your dream job and don’t feel you deserve a break because there are other people who have more stresses than you?


I have.


Far too often we run ourselves ragged owning a business and rarely take time to take care for ourselves. We do this because we don’t feel we deserve time off or there is just “too much” to do. But the truth is the more we pile on our plates and force ourselves to work without a break – the more tired our minds get, the less creativity flows and the quicker we get burnt out.


I’m here to tell you that everyone needs and DESERVES time away from their work regardless of if it is your dream job or a job you can’t stand. Why? Because we need to feel inspired, we need to be motivated, we need time to dream up new ideas or we don’t have a business anymore.


Towards the middle of the summer I was wrapping up my seventh wedding of the season, second styled shoot of the year and multiple side projects while still planning weddings for the rest of the year and I felt so exhausted. The simplest tasks felt draining and projects I used to get excited about felt like a burden – but I felt like I needed to keep going because my passion was my career and I shouldn’t feel this way. It wasn’t till I passed out at a styled shoot from lack of food, dehydration and exhaustion (which I quickly blamed on something else) that I realized something needed to change.


I took a 5 day long vacation where I never checked my email, social media, responded to calls or texts. I took time to be me again and I came home more eager and ready to dive back into work than I had been in months!


I was motivated again, I felt inspired and my creativity was flowing all because I took some time to myself.


The great director, David Lynch, was interviewed on Where Great Ideas Come From and my favorite quote from his interview was this:


“A lot of artist think that suffering is necessary, but in reality any kind of suffering cramps the flow of creativity”


Avoid the suffering and let the creativity flow. Take time to yourself – go on a vacation or to your happy place, turn your notifications off, spend a day on the lake, read a book or start a new creative outlet because chances are your hobby is now your career. Whatever you do – make sure you are bettering you. When you better you, you better your business.


Cheers to more rest and relaxation friends!


What is your favorite way to relax or take time away from your business? Comment below!


Photos by Adventure Photo Stories 




Stellaluna Events

The team at Stellaluna Events are Michigan wedding planners. We believe in fulfilling experiences and creating meaningful memories. We plan and coordinate weddings throughout all of Michigan.

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