Creative Business

Conference attendees smiling with their floral arrangements

10 Tips For Attending a Conference and Getting Your Moneys Worth

By Stellaluna Events / April 17, 2019 /

Photo by Ashley Slater Photography from The Bloom Workshop in Leland, MI.    Attending a conference can be one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business. It gets you out of your regular routine, introduces you to new thoughts, helps you meet new like-minded people and so much more. I…

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Girls sitting at a conference in Chicago, IL

4 Reasons To Attend A Conference

By Stellaluna Events / March 6, 2019 /

There are so many reasons to attend a conference, retreat or live event, but unfortunately there are so many things that hold us back from doing it. Some of those things include money, time, location or just the fear of leaving our comfort zone. I personally have experience massive success by attending conferences, retreats and…

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Peony sitting next to a lap top and business tool on a desk

My Favorite Social Media Scheduling Tool: CoSchedule

By Stellaluna Events / November 14, 2018 /

I feel like on a daily basis I am pitched a new social media scheduling tool that I “have to have” but do you ever wonder how many of them are actually worth the money? In my almost three years of business I have tried numerous different social media scheduling tool. Some worth every penny…

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Sincerely: How do I block schedule my day?

By Stellaluna Events / January 17, 2018 /

Productivity is one of my favorite topics so naturally when I learned about block scheduling I was all about it, but to be honest it took me a long time to figure out how to make block scheduling work for me and my schedule. Today, I am sharing how I block schedule my day and…

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Sincerely: how do I start my own event planning business?

By Stellaluna Events / December 5, 2017 /

Hi there!   I’m interested in starting my own event planning business, but am unsure how to go about finding all the resources I need. I have done a few weddings but there is still SO much I don’t know. I am still in the process of getting a degree in education but my heart…

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New changes and offerings to Stellaluna Events

By Stellaluna Events / November 29, 2017 /

When I started Stellaluna Events 20 months ago I had a vision to solely focus on planning and coordinating weddings and nothing would pull me from that vision. But sometimes life has a different plan for you. So today I am so excited to officially announce..   I am now offering ‘stand alone’ floral design services!   I…

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Why Taking Time Off Helps Grow Your Business

By Stellaluna Events / August 8, 2017 /

Have you ever felt uninspired, unmotivated and just down right tired of doing what you’re doing? Have you ever felt guilty because you are doing your dream job and don’t feel you deserve a break because there are other people who have more stresses than you?   I have.   Far too often we run…

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La Petite Bloom Workshop: Leland, MI

By Stellaluna Events / June 22, 2017 /

Furthering education and meeting other creatives is an important part of my business so I was more than excited to attend The Bloom Workshop in Leland, Michigan.   Our morning began with a three and a half hour car ride to the Leelanua Peninsula in beautiful Northern Michigan. Any trip to Northern Michigan is typically…

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Hygge Retreat 2017

By Stellaluna Events / April 7, 2017 /

“ ‘hygge’ a Danish term defined as “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” Pronounced “hoo-guh,” the word is said to have no direct translation in English, though “cozy” comes close.” -The New Yorker This past summer I was scrolling through Instagram and stumbled across a picture…

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